Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Vacation Bible School

So, Hadley is old enough this year to go to Vacation Bible School. It started last night and will end on Friday. We got there last night and he was clinging on to his dad like crazy. Wouldn't even put his nametag on. We got back to the room and he wouldn't even sit in the chair. He was so clingy. But then after we got there to pick him up, he was HAPPY! He talked about it on the way home and they made a cross that he was VERY proud of. So, when we got home I took his picture with his cross.
So, this morning, he asked me about 4 times before we got to school if we were going to Vacation Bible School after real school. And I kept telling him yes. He was so excited. He even took his cross in the car this morning. So, we got home today and he was excited! We got there today and he waltzes up to the door, got in, slapped his nametag on and then waltzed back to the room. I was cracking up. He went up to his row and sat down and last night his teacher had to pry him away. So, I think he had fun. We got there to pick him up tonight and he was CRANKY! I don't know what his problem was. I think he must be tired. He didn't want to talk to anybody or give hugs or anything. But I still think he enjoyed it.

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