Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Easiest Pineapple Peeler Ever
Monday, June 29, 2009
Walmart Customer Service
Ok. Wait. The girl in front of me was returning a $50 can of baby formula.
So, at 8:20 he finally let me take my stuff and go.
I spent 30 minutes in that Wal Mart. Sometimes I strongly dislike Wal Mart.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Vacation Bible School
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Father's Day
Ok. I think that's it. I hope you all have a great weekend.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
This week
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Playing Catch
Anyway, I think it might possibly have been 20 years, since I played catch. Wait, I did play with my mom some when I was a teenager. Tonight we went and bought a glove for me and a ball and played catch with Hadley. Then he got tired and me and Tim played for a long time. It was really fun. And relaxing. We just came in and now we are watching American Idol.
Ok. And now for my sad story of the day. I came home with a horrible headache and didn't want to cook so we went to Taco Bueno. We sat down and this little black girl was sitting in the booth behind us and she started talking to me and Hadley while Tim was getting our food. She was talking about how she knew her colors and wanted us to guess how old she was. She was adorable. So, then Tim asked her if her mom worked there and she said yes. And then she started telling us that her mom was mean to her. She would spank her for no reason even when she didn't do anything. But her grandma was nice. It was so sad. So, at one point she went up to the counter and her mom yelled at her from behind the counter and told her to go back and sit down. And was yelling at her from behind the counter. Then her mom took her in the back. I just thought it was terrible number one that her mom didn't have anywhere to take her to while she worked. Number two that her mom was mean to her. I just thought the whole thing was terrible. I know some people don't have a choice. I just thought it so sad. I don't know. I don't think it was a coincidence that she was there, I wish I could've taken her home.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
We are at home today
He almost scared me to death earlier. I was in the back of the house and he was sitting in the chair watching tv. He starts screaming so loud! I thought there was a fire or lion or bear in the living room. No, it was a spider. Like, a spider so small that it almost blended in with the carpet. I don't know how he even saw it. I almost had a heart attack he was screaming SO LOUD! But we got it taken care of.
Monday, May 18, 2009
New Kitchen Table
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Busy Busy Busy Busy Weekend
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Longest Week Ever
Wednesday night we went to Michael and Jennifer's to watch LOST and there were a bunch of storms. Rick Mitchell cut off the last 30 minutes of the season finale because there was a tornado warning. So, we were mad about that.
Then, last night, we went to the May Daze in Blanchard. It was fun. We got an Indian Taco and a funnel cake. Hadley rode a big slide and him and Cherly rode the ferris wheel. Glen and Melissa and Blake and Dalton were there. We had a lot of fun. Then more storms rolled in, so we went home. When we got home and went to bed, it was raining SO HARD and there was hail. It sounded terrible. Then we went to get the dogs and put them in the garage and they were soaking wet. The top of their house had blown off. Tim is going to build them a new dog house. And Sadie still keeps getting out of the yard. Tim has her chained up. We don't know what to do with her. Tim says it's no kind of life to be chained up like that. But she is an escape artist. She will get out of every kind of contraption you can imagine.
So, today, I got up and did some laundry and cleaned up the house a litttle bit. Waiting on cinnamon rolls to come out of the oven. Typing a blog. That's about it.
We are going to go to Kirkland's today I think. I want to get some decorating stuff for the house.
Hope you all have a great weekend!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
I'm 31!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Birthday Dinner
Thursday, May 7, 2009
My Birthday Present
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Smoke Alarms
Saturday, May 2, 2009
My 30th year of life.....
Most of you know that I will turn 31 next Sunday. I have known some people that had meltdowns when they turned 30. Either because they think they are old now or because they did not accomplish what they had hoped too before they turned 30. I have not had a meltdown, although I am prone to meltdowns lately. I think more than anything, this year, I have contemplated on the things that I am most thankful for. And perhaps, have not been that thankful for before, or may have just taken it for granted. I hope to not ever take these things for granted from now on.
1. I have a relationship with Jesus Christ.
2. I have a loving husband who never fails to remind me that I was made just for him.
3. I have a son who is bright and smart and charming and beautiful and who was made just for us to parent.
4. I almost died, Jesus healed me and I live to tell about it. I don’t know why that happened or how that happened, and I may never know, but I do know that our God is able and he is big enough to do ANYTHING…ANYTHING, make you president of the United States if he wants too, and that is a big concept to wrap your mind around.
5. I have a wonderful family! I have the best parents in the world (I know everyone says that) but I really do! J My mother is my best friend and that is a true blessing to me. I have awesome in-laws who are less like in-laws but more like adopted parents. I have a sister and brother and sister-in-laws and nephews that make life fun.
Another thing that I have contemplated during this year is that I am relatively quiet, and don’t speak up for myself a whole lot. I’ve “decided” that there are certain things that I usually just don’t speak up about that I will not continue to do anymore. Tim said the other day….”You are deciding a lot of things lately”… And here is my compiled list of things I have decided:
1. I am tired of people telling me to shut up.
2. I am tired of people taking my favorite pens from my desk. From now on, I will buy myself some pens that I like, and I will put them in my pen jar, and put a pen out on my desk for people to use when they come in my office. Sort of like the chained pen at the bank counter.
3. Sometimes, I like to share meals. There are other times that I share meals just because I don’t want to say anything. I will no longer do that. If I want to, then I will. If I don’t, then I will speak up.
4. I do not EVER speak up about food that I get at a restaurant that is bad. I got a salad at Old Chicago the other day and the lettuce was so bad it was clear, it was almost see thru. It was disgusting. Tim actually spoke up before I did, because he didn’t want me to have to, but I had already decided that I was going to. I will speak up.
5. I will TRY to not be so stubborn. Note the word “try’. When we moved into the new house, me and Tim had a standoff about putting the tv on the mantle. THE BRAND NEW BEAUTIFUL MANTLE! He was going to drill holes in it and what if we had to take it down and there would be holes in it and what about my beautiful family picture I was going to put up there and what if and but and what if and blah blah blah. He wanted it. I didn’t. So, Tim went and bought a $100 tv stand to put it in the corner. I guess I had a moment of brilliance and it came to me that, if you put the tv up there OR a picture, you won’t see the holes and there will always be something up there. What does it matter? It was just me being stubborn and I didn’t want to mess it up because it was brand new. So, the tv is now on the mantle. And on top of that, I was going to drill holes in the mantle to put a picture up there? How dumb is that? So, anyway, I’ve decided to not be so stubborn. Hopefully. And I love the tv on the mantle.
And there’s more that I’ve contemplated. Tim is right. I have been contemplating and deciding a lot. You know when you were in high school and you had to go talk to the high school counselor and she would “counsel” you about what you wanted to do when you graduated? And she would always say…think about the things you like to do and you should get a job doing something you like to do. And then you went off to college and got a degree and got a job doing something you didn’t like? That’s probably not how it went for everyone but that’s how it went for me. I’ve worked for the state for 10 years, can you believe that? It’s not necessarily what I would like to do, but then again, I don’t really know what I would like to do. My friend Misti and I have a plan to open a cupcake shop. Or a convenience store in the complex where we work. They definitely need one. Or a home health agency? Or become a dentist that has disability facilities? Heck if I know. But for the last 3 months or so I have had this yearning to open my own business. But on the flip side, I have no start up money, and I’m not even sure what business I would like to open. And then you think about health insurance, which I have to have, equipment, rent, blah. I just feel like God is speaking to me about that. I’m not sure why. But, that’s another thing I’ve been contemplating lately.
Another item is a family home. My mother is putting the family home up for sale to afford putting my dad in a nursing home. I think I’ve known for years that it would come to that. There have been times that I have been sad and times that I have been hopeful. You just never know what you might get from me. It is sad to think of my dad in a nursing home. It is sad to think of my mom keeping on going the way she is with dad at home. It is sad to think of someone else living in our family home. It is sad to think of such significant change in our family. There are many issues to think of. All of the things to clear out, finding a buyer for the house, what my dad will think, where will they live after selling the house?? Many things. It is sad to think of having a Christmas somewhere other than our family home. It is sad and strange and overwhelming. And yet, I still have whims of…..what if it could be a good change? What if there could be a bright new fresh glimpse of life in this change? I think there could be. God knows what will happen. He orchestrated it all. He must know what the ending will be. How can we go wrong if we know we are doing what we are supposed to do? Hmmm. Contemplation…
So, this is a summary, of my 30th year of life and the life changes I have contemplated. I have not been sad that I am one year older. That’s all it is. One year. I hope the next 30 years are as awesome as the first 30 years.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Friday Night
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Great Wolf Lodge
Sunday, April 26, 2009
New Blog